Welcome to the web home of Riginal Rhodesian Ridgebacks. We hope you enjoy looking at our dogs as much as we enjoy having them in our lives. Please sign our Guestbook or if you would like more information. Please phone or email us, we would love to hear from you. Why buy a copy when you can get a Riginal? .
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Der Rhodesian Ridgeback macht glücklich! Skip to primary content. Gehört zur FCI-Gruppe 6, Sektion 3 und trägt die Standardnummer 146. Er stammt aus Zimbabwe und Südafrika. Und wurde einst für die Großwildjagd eingesetzt. Der Rhodesian Ridgeback ist eine Hunderasse aus dem Süden von Afrika. 10 Fakten über den Rhodesian Ridgeback. 1 Der Rhodesian Ridgeback ist die einzig anerkannte Rasse. 3 Markantestes Markenzeichen der Rasse ist der Ridge.
Starridge Rhodesian Ridgebacks
Cyndy Burton
1650 Old Cleveland Rd
Chandler, Queensland, 4155
Deviant since Jul 26, 2006.
Pushing a Snake Up a Hill. Saturday, August 08, 2015. Some assembly was indeed required. Not all the parts fit. There are two parts left over, angle irons with holes drilled in them. What are those for? I especially like the built-in LED lights and the fold-out side table. Friday, August 07, 2015. Dragons Fly Free in Dragon Rigger! My novel Dragon Rigger. Sequel to Dragons in the Stars.
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